Not ready for the cloud? Mobiso can be deployed onsite in your network. With the ability to run Mobiso as a single server or in your VMWare environment we can license and install the software on your system while continually updating the names database with our Linguist Names Tuning service. Mobso can be deployed internally over SIP or analog over dialogic. Our system is currently supported on Broadsoft, Avaya, Mitel, Shoretel and Metaswitch.
Receiving customer calls and consistently, accurately, and quickly connecting the call to the right employee or department is a key part of any organizations customer service. Many companies of all sized have deployed an automated speech attendant solution as a way to achieve this high-quality caller interaction. Callers simply say the name of the person or department they want to reach and Mobiso Speech Assistant completes the call. A proven highly accurate Speech Assistant lets your customers reach your employees quickly and effortlessly without the frustration of traditional ‘dial by name’ lookup. A Speech Assistant solution also frees administrative staff from mundane call answering and call connecting duties to focus on higher value tasks for the enterprise.
Reduce the costs of answering customer calls through automation
24*7*365 access to Company resources such as product information
Dramatically shorten time to connect callers leading to higher customer satisfaction and less abandoned calls
Consistent quick call answering every time for quality customer perception.
Offer preferred language to caller for improved satisfaction